Archive for the "cats" Category


FurEver FurBall | New @ Crystal’s Kitty Memorials

   Posted by: Johnson B.E. » Tags: ,

We just added a new form of remembrance of your friend with fur to Crystal's Kitty Memorials.

They're called: FurEver FurBalls and are really wonderful.

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Went to check the deer today and it was dragged into the rock-walled area under the big pine and next to the perimeter fence. That's why I couldn't readily identify it last night when I went out and peered down from the glass studio to see if anyone was around. More of it has been eaten or carried off, so it is now evident that we're not going to call Fish and Game right away. This is a natural occurrence in the wilderness. We may be in a partially settled area but not really as far as the wildlife

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