Wine Stopper Collection on – Yaaay!

   Posted by: BJ Johnson in photography

Talk about the tail wagging the dog... The complete Art Glass Wine Stopper Collection is now, well, completed. It's been a week since my last communication. Spent most of the waking hours photographing, processing, assembling rotation movies, cataloging, coding new pages, uploading it all and testing them. This portion of the project took more time and more effort than making the glass in the first place but it's all absolutely beautiful and I'm absolutely shot. I'm composing this at the end of the second all-nighter, so I'll be brief.

But first, a short time out to stop and smell the rain that fell during the night. A whole clutch of Quail just sped through the rock garden. At least ten small birds are vying for places; having their breakfast on the two suspended wood feeders. A lot of action going on out there. A little while ago, at just about dawn, a deer family wandered through, munching on leaves as they meandered and looked about, not fifteen feet from where I sit. Dobby and Moe are asleep on Joy's chair. I'm nearly asleep in mine.

Anyhoos, here's a couple of the more flamboyant new creations in the Expressive Collection.

Expressive Art Glass Wine StopperExpressive Art Glass Wine Stopper

Each of them has its own rotation movie. The eight shot stop-motion type that I did with the marbles and paperweights just didn't do the glass justice. Couldn't see what was really in front of what. There are so many more things to be seen within the glass and the only successful way of communicating it so that the internal structure can be seen in its depth is to smoothly rotate it. The movies are each made from fifty five individual still shots assembled and sequenced to create the motion. Very effective and I could sit and watch them for long periods without tiring of what I am seeing.

An Elegant Style and a Classical are shown below.

Elegant Art Glass Wine StopperClassical Art Glass Wine Stopper

In all, there are 87. Quite a collection. I have yet to pick a favorite and most likely won't. One that is dear to my heart, though, is in the Expressive collection. It is the first; the one that started it all, so I suppose that it is the favorite after all. In other times, I wouldn't sell it.

That's all for now. I'd best get some rest, so I can get back to my other projects in a couple of hours. Thanks for reading and looking. I hope that you like them. Joy has eight other wine stoppers that she particularly likes displayed on her blog as well. Drop a line if the spirit moves. It would be good to hear your thoughts about them.

Update: As of December 1, 2009 we have moved the Chimera Wine Stopper Collection to the parent site in the Art Glass section and as of August 17, 2010 we have moved the Losture Marbles Art Glass Paperweights and Marbles Collection to the parent site in the Art Glass section.

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One Response to Wine Stopper Collection on – Yaaay!


    Interesting post, Wine container stoppers are now being made from a variety of equipment and come in a variety of designs and styles. Typically the base of a stopper (the part that is inserted into the bottle) is made from chrome or cork. The top part of the wine stopper is where you see the variation in design and material. The decorative part of the stoppers are made from materials like glass, crystal, wood, metal, pewter, resin, and many other types of materials. Thanks for posting my comments on this post. It really ehance the information regarding wine stoppers, how to made.
    wine stoppers

    June 21, 2011 at 1:17 pm
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