
Admin Menus Fixed WordPress Plugin

   Posted by: Johnson B.E.

Admin Menus Fixed WordPress Plugin

WordPress Plugins by Spherical

My first plugin for WordPress. It consolidates a really cool plugin authored by Ozh, that being his Admin Drop Down Menu, and the WordPress 3.1+ Admin Menus, consolidates them and makes them all fixed position, so that you always have their availability at the top of your window. Even more screen real estate and less scrolling!

What you need, where you need it - when.

It long bothered me that the menus scrolled with the Admin pages and I've been hacking Ozh's plugin for a couple of years to give myself that functionality. When WordPress 3.1 came out and the Admin Menus commanded the top of the screen, I set out to make that more usable for everyone. This plugin is the result. It came into being after Ozh saw my hack, complemented me on it and encouraged me to write a companion plugin to his that would enable this functionality. I had offered him the code to include in his plugin but his suggestion to write one spurred me on to learn something new; something I have been wanting to do for some time—write a WordPress plugin. With his blessing, I hereby present it to the WordPress Community.

Install Ozh's plugin, Network Activating in Multisite if you like, then install my companion and activate the same way. Your Admin Menus are transformed into a nice compact stack, with everything all in one place, that remains on-screen at all times, so you can get more work done in less time.

Left Side
Fixed Admin Menus - LeftRight Side
Fixed Admin Menus - Right

It even follows the selection of whether you have the Admin bar displayed in the backend. Turn the Dashboard Admin Bar off in:

Your Profile > Show Admin Bar
and the stack reforms itself.

Left Side No Admin Bar
Fixed Admin Menus - LeftRight Side No Admin Bar
Fixed Admin Menus - Right

Download the latest version »

If you have feedback, a support request or just wish to ask a question about this plugin, please enter a comment on the original hack post.

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